Replacing A Home's Aging Roof


An aging roof can represent a structural weak point for the home, and this will typically lead to it needing to be replaced. While waiting for these issues to lead to the home needing major repairs is the approach many homeowners will take, proactively investing in replacing the roof can be a far more efficient and affordable solution to this type of routine roof wear.

Are Steep Roofs More Costly To Replace?

Replacing a roof can be a  challenging task due to it being difficult for workers to reach. As a result, the slope of your roof will be a surprisingly important factor. This is due to the amount of additional equipment that will be needed for the workers to be able to safely reach this area of the home. In fact, this factor can comparable to the size of the roof and the materials being used in determining the entire cost of the project.

Is Replacing Or Supplementing The Insulation Worth The Costs?

When replacing a roof, it is easy for a homeowner to give most of their attention to the materials being used in it. However, the insulation that is beneath the roof will be another factor that should be given extreme importance. There can be several reasons for replacing the insulation, or at least supplementing it, when the exterior roof is replaced. One of the most obvious is that there is a chance that problems with the aging roof could have caused the insulation to deteriorate. Furthermore, modern insulation products can often be far more energy-efficient than what was used in previous years. During the initial roofing evaluation, the contractor should be able to assess the condition of the insulation to let you know whether it has been damaged. Also, they may be able to assess whether enough insulation was installed when the roof was originally put in place.

Should Your Insurance Be Notified Of The Roofing Replacement?

Homeowners often fail to understand the coverage that their insurance provides when they are having work done to their property. For example, many of these policies will not provide coverage when construction is being done, and they will require the homeowner to purchase special construction policies until the work has been completed. Furthermore, the insurance will need to be notified when major structural changes have been completed, such as roof replacements. When notifying the insurance, they may require proof that the work was done by a licensed professional, which may require providing information from the contractor.

For more information, reach out to a company like Integrity Roofing Company today.


30 January 2020

Creating Great Roofing From the Start

When you want to make your home shine, there are some very important basic components you should be mindful of. For starters, you should evaluate the exterior of your home to determine whether or not the siding or exterior cladding needs to be replaced. Next, you should check to see if the roofing needs to be replaced, since it really can make a powerful difference. Roofing can take up a great deal of the visual space from the outside, so think carefully about how yours looks. Pay attention to issues like aged, curling shingles or roofing that contains dips or divots. Check out this blog for great tips about roofing.