4 Common Types Of Residential Roof Damage That Demand Timely Intervention


Your roof is bound to experience natural wear and tear over time. But this doesn't mean that it has reached the end of its life. Your roofing contractor will help you fix the damage to extend the life of your roof. If you wonder what damages you might encounter with the roofing system, the following are common examples. 1. Rotten or Warped Fascia and Soffit  Underneath the edges of your roof sit the fascia and soffit.

5 August 2022

How Can You Install A New Roof On A Budget?


One of the unfortunate realities of homeownership is that expensive problems rarely get cheaper over time. Deferring a critical repair or replacement often means putting your home at risk of more damage and costly future fixes. Nowhere is this fact more true than a failing roof, which can eventually lead to expensive water damage or even complete failure during severe weather events. If you know it's time to replace your roof, putting that repair off is only likely to lead to more problems and wasted money.

1 August 2022

How Do You Know Your Metal Roof Needs Replacement?


It's pretty easy to tell when a shingle roof needs to be replaced. Shingles end up falling on the ground. You may notice granules in the gutters or see lifted shingle edges along the side of the roof. But what about metal roofing? Since there are no granules to consider and metal roofs don't lift up like shingles, how do you tell whether a metal roof needs replacement? Here are the key signs to watch out for.

28 July 2022

4 Main Benefits Of Installing A Gable Roof On Your Home


Choosing the ideal roofing style for your building can be a daunting process. Many prospective homeowners go through countless designs in the market and still make a mistake in selection. If you want to avoid such mistakes, consult a competent roofing contractor. One of the recommendations they might give is the gable roof, which typically has slopes on both sides. Some variations include the box, cross, Dutch, and front styles. Here are some ways how installing this roof type could be beneficial to you.

19 July 2022

Think About Longevity, Repairs, And Cost Difference When Comparing Asphalt Singles With Clay Tiles


If you're going to need a new roof soon and you also want to remodel your house and give it a fresh, new look, you may be thinking about replacing your asphalt shingles with clay tiles. The tiles will make your home look entirely different, especially if you change exterior paint colors too. Here are things you may need to think over before changing your type of roofing. The Cost Difference

12 July 2022

Do You Need Flat Roof Repair Services? Find Out


As a homeowner with a flat roof, you want your home to look solid and appealing, from the porch to the siding and the roof. Over time, you will start to notice defects in those areas. And they may lose the glow and aura they once had. Take a close look at your flat roof; it is prone to damage and if you do not take good care of it, you will be in for more costly troubles.

6 July 2022

Two Things To Know About Roof Flashing Material


You may think of roof flashing as a material primarily designed to provide protection from leaks. However, it is also a material that can be used to accentuate a roof due to how visible the material is from the ground. That's why it's important to know the following things about flashing material if the time comes to replace it.  Are There Different Types Of Flashing? There are a couple of different types of flashing that are used on a roof, with step flashing being one that many people are familiar with.

29 June 2022

4 Common Problems With The Tile Roof System And How To Manage Them


Tile roof systems add an unmatched appeal to your home design. Manufacturers make tiles out of materials like clay, concrete, and ceramic. Each of the materials has its benefits when professionally installed and properly maintained. However, even with the best maintenance, you cannot avoid repairs as the tiles get older and wear out. Here are the four most common issues with your tiled roofs and what you can do to manage them.

8 June 2022

Flat Roof Trouble 101: Issues Your Business May Encounter With Your Commercial Roof


Dealing with a commercial building's roof may seem like a daunting task. Especially for new business owners who lack exposure to these kinds of issues, the learning curve can be significant. While commercial roofing and residential roofing do have some similarities, there are some stark differences as well. It's important that you understand the most common roofing issues that you may encounter with a commercial roof so that you know what to watch for with your building.

31 March 2022