Do You Need A Roof Replacement?


Do you own an older home or perhaps live in an area that receives a lot of rainfall each year? There are several key signs to look out for when it comes to your roof that let you know if you are in need of a roof replacement. Sometimes it can be tricky to tell if you need a few repairs done or an entire roof replacement. Here are a few things to look for to help make the distinction very clear.

9 September 2020

How To Save Money On Your Roof Replacement Project


If you own a home or business, you will need to replace the roof once it has outlived its purpose. This is usually done when you start noticing signs like leaks in various areas, missing, cracked, or curled shingles or when the roof is generally old. However, most people find roof replacement projects stressful because the procedure is a bit costly. Fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize the expenses and still get the roof replaced.

1 September 2020

Signs Of Metal Roofing Issues That Need Repair


If your home has a metal roof, it's important that you understand the most common causes of metal roofing leaks and issues. The sooner you can identify metal roofing damage, the sooner you can address the problem and seek roofing repair. Here are a few things you need to know about metal roofing damage, leaks, and repairs. Roofing Section Seams Metal roofing comes in sections, and those sections have to be connected together.

27 August 2020

What Does Fall Roof Upkeep Look Like?


In the fall, you might take special steps to maintain your roof. In most regions, fall has weather unique from summer and winter. This means that fall might be a good time to take care of some upkeep issues. Want to know more about what you need to do this fall? Check out these tips. Clear Out Your Gutters In the fall, it is important to clear out your gutters. Leaves and other debris can fill up the gutters, causing blockages for water that trails down them.

25 August 2020

3 Solutions For Ponding Water On Flat Roofs


There are a lot of properties today that have flat roofs, especially commercial buildings. If you have such a roof, there is always the issue of ponding. This is when water collects and stays on your roof, which is not good because damage can happen fast. Here are several solutions you might try for said issue. Install Flat Roof Drains Some commercial buildings are older and thus never had flat roof drains installed.

20 August 2020

Professional Roofing Services To Keep Your Home A Strong And Long-Lasting Barrier


Your home's protection is dependent upon your roof remaining is the best quality and with optimal barriers of protection. Anytime an element of protection fails, such as in the flashing, shingles, or gutters, your home is exposed to any amount of damage and interior problems. Here are some roofing services that you can utilize to keep your home's roof in a well-maintained state for the best protection. Request Gutter Maintenance and Updates

17 August 2020

Keep Your Roof In Good Repair To Keep Animal Pests Out


Whether you live in the city or in the country, you coexist with wildlife. Most of the time, wildlife is enjoyable to watch, but wildlife can be bothersome in the city since their natural habitats are not as plentiful. For instance, your attic makes a nice place to hide from bad weather, raise babies, and stay close to a handy food source. Some animals have an easy time getting inside your attic by chewing and clawing through the roof, and then you have to deal with roof damage.

12 August 2020

High Quality Asphalt Shingle Options


If you need a new roof and are looking to add a bit of style to your house, then there are a few different asphalt shingle options that you can choose from. Two of the more common high-quality choices include dimensional shingles and luxury shingles. Keep reading to learn a little bit more about these options before you ask your roofing contractor to install them. Dimensional Shingles Dimensional shingles get their name from the layered and textured appearance they provide.

11 August 2020

What To Consider When Selecting An Entirely New Roof For Your Home


Roofs are installed to protect homeowners and their families from the vagaries of the weather. Unfortunately, they don't last forever.  Years of exposure to harsh weather elements such as high humidity, rain, snow, hail, and extreme heat eventually take a toll on even the toughest roofs, resulting in irreparable roof damage. If you're looking to replace your existing residential roof with an entirely new type of roof, there are lots of options for you to choose.

10 August 2020

Replacing Your Roof The Right Way With A Tear-Off And Repairs


When it is time to replace shingles, it is important that the job is done correctly. You want to make sure that old roofing is removed and that repairs are completed before new shingles are laid. There may also be improvements that need to be done to stop damage. The following roof replacement information will help you know what you need to have done for your new roof. Properly Tearing Off The Old Roofing—Removing the old shingles is the first step in properly replacing your roof.

3 August 2020